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Wyoming Prospectors Association

P.O. Box 1269

Riverton, Wyoming 82501

Minutes for meeting held on 11-10-2012







President James Brines


Treasurer Deb Palmer


V. Pres. Janiece Robinson


Immediate Past Pres.

Curtis Addison

Secretary Joyce Raymond


Meeting called to Order at 1:18 P.M.

Minutes of Sept. 15, 2012 were read. Randy Hutchison made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Seconded by Rosemary Blair and the motion carried.

Correspondence was one Mining Report returned from a member in Florida and a letter from Wind River Heritage Center asking for donations.

Deb Palmer read the Treasurers Report. Rosemary Blair made a motion to accept the Report as read, seconded by Les Armstrong and the motion carried.

No report on signs. The committee is still working on it.

The Board Of Directors reported that they had authorized purchase of a battery operated, Portable Public Address System with one microphone for use during meetings at a cost of $149.99. An additional microphone would be an additional $84.99 which would be over the authorized spending limit for the Board.

After some discussion, Randy Hutchison made a motion to purchase the P.A. System with an additional Microphone which could be passed around during a meeting. Larry Noble seconded and the motion carried.

Deb Palmer made a motion to send all members the new maps with the minutes. Randy Hutchison seconded and the motion carried.

Deb brought the rock/gold specimen from Cindy Elg. After some discussion on this item it is tabled to a later date.

Randy Hutchison made a motion to give the Board of Directors the authority to give out some donations to charitable organizations not to exceed $500.00 total. The Board is to use their discretion in picking recipients.

Keith Blair and Randy Hutchison gave a demonstration of the maps on the Web Site.

Les Armstrong made a motion to request the use of the Church for the next meeting. Rosemary Blair seconded and the motion carried.

Deb Palmer won the 50-50 drawing.

Joyce Raymond won the Door Prize

Raffle followed the meeting. Congratulations to the winners.

Next Meeting:

Jan. 12, 2013

Church of Christ

#39 Gas Hills Rd. on

Pot Luck Lunch at 12:00 - Meeting at 1:00P.M.

Bring a covered dish and your own table service.


Joyce Raymond Secretary


There is a problem with some of the maps on the Web Site. We will send the Maps out as soon as we can get the TOPO Maps operational.




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